Wikimedia UK
Open knowledge for all

Be a member of Wikimedia UK by Direct Debit

Support open knowledge by becoming a member of Wikimedia UK

For just £5 a year you can be part of our community and help determine the direction of the national chapter of the global Wikimedia movement. As a member you can stand for election to our board of trustees, submit motions and vote in General Meetings. You will also receive our regular newsletter and other Member Communications.

Membership fees are set annually by our members and are currently £5 a year for an individual. Fees are kept low to ensure no one is discouraged from adding their voice to ours as a member of the charity, however please consider making an additional donation to support our work to make knowledge freely available and reusable online.

To set up your yearly direct debit please complete the mandate below.

To renew an existing membership please fill out the form below, using the same email address that you joined with.

New Membership
Total Amount
every year
Your recurring contribution will be processed automatically. You will receive an email receipt for each recurring contribution.
Your details
You should not continue with this form if any of the following apply:
  • You are not the account holder.
  • If it is a business account and more than one person is required to authorise debits on this account.
Direct Debit
6 digits (e.g. 01 23 45)
Billing Name and Address
Membership Declaration

WMUK Articles of Association

I confirm I understand that in applying to become a member, or by renewing membership, of Wikimedia UK I support the Objects of the Company, will not bring the Company into disrepute and am aware of my legal responsibilities and duties as a member of Wikimedia UK.
Agreement Your account data will be used to charge your bank account via direct debit. While submitting this form you agree to the charging of your bank account via direct debit.